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Writer's pictureJamie Klusacek

A Miracle in the Making

When it comes to fulfilling your purpose and Just Being, God starts with the small, seemingly insignificant things as a pathway to lead us to our promise. Ask yourself what’s in your hand, and then just be willing.

What have you currently been given that God could use? Let me tell you, it’s rarely our winsome smile and magnetic personality that God is looking for (although He may use that too).

Usually, it’s the barely noticeable, un-obvious things that God puts His finger on and says, “I want to use that!” So, what is in your hand?

In the case of Moses, God used the staff that was in his hands to perform miracles in front of

Pharaoh. His staff was something insignificant that God used on the pathway to the promised land. God used Moses’ rod all throughout their journey as a tool to perform miracles. His shepherding staff represented a piece of who Moses was.

For forty years, he had been a shepherd. I’m positive many times he used that staff to comfort sheep. To correct sheep. To personally lean on when the job got difficult and to assist himself in reaching new heights. It was a piece of him.

I find it interesting that God took something that was very much a part of who Moses was to help usher him into his future. He once was shepherding sheep, but now he would be shepherding hundreds of thousands of people to God’s promised land.

Maybe even in that, God used valuable lessons from Moses’ forty years with the sheep to help him better shepherd God’s people. The staff was more than a tool, it was a reminder of where

Moses had been and where he was going. It was in his hand and God used it.

In 2 Kings 4 a miracle of provision took place for a widow and her two sons. She was on the brink of losing everything she had: her home, her children, all that was dear to her. When the prophet Elijah came her way to visit, he could sense that something was troubling her. She explained to him her strenuous circumstances. There was no way out in her mind. The

first thing the prophet asked was, “What can I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” All she had was a small jar of oil, but God multiplied it.

There was a miracle waiting to happen in her house. All she needed to do was be willing to give what she had.

In the new testament, Jesus fed 5,000 people with a boy’s seemingly insignificant lunch. In John 6 the Bible says, “When Jesus looked up and noticed a huge crowd coming toward him, he asked Philip, ‘Where will we buy bread so that these people can eat?’ He asked this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do. Philip answered him, ‘Two hundred denarii worth of bread wouldn’t be enough for each of them to have a little.’ One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, ‘There’s a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish - but what are they for so many?’”

You know how the story ends. Jesus took the meager lunch the boy had and multiplied it to feed 5,000 people, with twelve baskets left over to boot!

God can use anything and anyone to perform a miracle.

In the book of Ruth, God performed a miracle by simply using what she had. In this case, it was literally her hands and feet coupled with her willingness to work the labor intensive fields.

Her willingness provided the pathway for her miracle. It was in the very field where she went to work that she found Boaz. He was the man who would usher provision into her life.

So, what’s in your hand? Kindness, compassion, finances, friendship, or a certain skill set perhaps? God has wired the inside of you in a specific way. He’s brought you in and out of seasons, each of which leaves you with a different toolset to offer up to God. It’s time to use what’s in your hand.

"God starts with the small, seemingly insignificant things as a pathway to lead us to our promise. We just need to be willing to give those things to Him."

Photo Credit: Yassin Doukhane

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