Forgiveness always starts with us. Notice when Jesus is teaching us how to pray He says "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
Forgiveness is more for YOU than it is for them.
In a medical journal I recently read it said that studies show that the act of forgiveness can reap huge benefits for your health:
lowering the risk of heart attack
improving cholesterol levels and improved sleep (Amen!!).
reduces pain, blood pressure and levels of anxiety, depression and stress
AND, all of these benefits increase with age!
So, to the same degree, amount or extent that Christ forgave us, we should forgive others.
And let me say that forgiveness DOES NOT mean that you condone what they did. It just means that you are "letting go free" the need for them to owe you something.
Again, forgiveness is more for YOU than it is for them.
Your Friend,
Jamie K.
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Photo Credit: Joshua Abner from