Matthew 6:11 "Give us this day our daily bread."
Notice, Jesus doesn't say "Give us this month our monthly feast."
OR, "Give us this week our weekly buffet."
He uses the word daily, so I'd love to talk about this verse in both the NATURAL sense and the SPIRITUAL perspective.
In the natural we cannot go without food for long periods of time. Sure we can fast from food for a season or a specific set time, but not week after week, month after month. We need food DAILY to give energy to our bodies.
The same is true for us spiritually.
See many of us wait for a special conference once a month to get fed, or even a weekly service at church to present us with a buffet of spiritual food.
But just like we need food daily in the natural, we need food daily in the spiritual.
Don't wait for a big event or a weekly gathering to nourish your spirit. We were meant to have nourishment DAILY through the Word of God (the Bible).
A feast is already prepared for you sweet friend, so go to God's table and eat.
Your Friend,
Jamie K.
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Photo Credit: Marta Dzedyshko from