The enchanting melody floats through my headset, piercing the deepest portion of my soul. It’s our song. The song that no one knows about but God and I (and now you).
That’s right: God and I have a special song.
It’s not the type of song you may think. It’s not a hands-flailing-in-the-air or face touching-the-ground epic worship song of declaration. It’s not even what I could label as a Christian song, yet every time I hear it, my heart melts like M&M’s left out in the searing summer sun for an instant eternity.
As the music plays I’m reminded that God is fully present, by my side in the midst of my day.
It’s almost as if I hear Him whisper to me, interrupting my day, reminding me that He is near.
The song always plays at a time when I need Him most. It’s a reminder of His love for me. His unfailing promise and His assurance that He will safely carry me through every season of life.
I immediately pause what I’m doing and am left with a decision: will I disregard this moment or embrace it?
At times, when the song plays, I imagine us cascading across an exquisite dance floor. The dance floor is polished wood, the walls decorated in ornate detail with chandeliers hanging throughout the room. The west wall is lined with floor to ceiling french doors leading to the most exquisite garden I’ve ever seen.
An entire stringed orchestra is playing on the opposite end of the room, their instruments combining in a symphony of love. No one is there but Him and I. It’s the most uniquely beautiful father-daughter dance I’ve ever experienced. We are in head-to-toe ballroom attire.
My gown is a unique, one-of-a kind gorgeous gown in my favorite color: yellow.
Our right hands touch tenderly, while His left hand rests securely on my lower back. Our special song fills the room like melodies straight from heaven as we waltz together across the floor.
I follow His lead, trustingly, as He guides me through each unknown step. He makes me look elegantly beautiful, when in reality I have no idea what I’m doing.
Our song is Moon River by 2CELLOS. No words, just melodies and strings of tenderness. Nothing magical happens when I hear it, but my ears—once encumbered by the business of life—briefly open and tune in to what God might be speaking in that moment.
For you, this song may have no meaning at all, but for me the richness of it is unending. It’s a unique way for God to grab my attention and refocus me on Him. I find that God is often speaking to us in ways that are unique to how He created us.
I pause and let the melody sink into my soul, quietly asking God to speak to me even in this moment.
"We must simply have courage to pause and allow God room to move ..."
Photo Credit: Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz from