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Writer's pictureJamie Klusacek

Come into my house

Back in Matthew 8:14-15 the Bible says Jesus had "come into Peter's house." It's when Jesus is in the house that He notices Peter's mother-in-law is sick.

So I started thinking about this: What kind of miracles would Jesus do in my life if He were always welcome in my house? Meaning, I'm not just coming to Him for a big need here or there, but He's actually a part of my everyday life.

And not allowed access to just parts of my home, but EVERY AREA. Every RELATIONSHIP. every disgusting closet that I intentionally keep shut when company is over.

I think if God were allowed an all access pass into every area of our "home" He would see things He could put His hand to and make whole.

I'm praying that God gives us courage to allow Him access to every part of our lives, even the parts we don't want anyone to see—so that He can bring a new level wholeness to what we tend to hide behind closed doors.

Your Friend,

Jamie K.

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Photo Credit: Sebastian Palomino from

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