"... and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6C
It's the last day of our Psalm 23 study and it ends with a perfect promise for your 2024: I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
The word dwell (3427) in the original Hebrew means this: to sit, remain, abide, inhabit.
The word house (1004) means dwelling, family, temple or palace. It denotes a building in which a family lives. It can also refer to the family or household itself.
It's important to note that at the time David is writing this Psalm there actually is no "house" of the Lord, at least not in the way we imagine it. Today we may interpret God's house as our local church or a building of sorts. But during this time the ark of the covenant, the place where God's presence rested, was still in a tent in the City of David (2 Samuel 6:16-19). The temple or house we imagine was only built by David's son, Solomon.
So what does this line speak to us today. In my research this is what I found. David ends Psalm 23 with the calming assurance that in this life and in the life to come he will be able to enjoy God's presence.
Forever a child at "home" with his Heavenly Father.
He has a seat at God's table and has the privilege of enjoy His presence and all the benefits that come with God's covenant—wherever David may be.
The same is true for your life sweet friend. May you find the calming assurance that God wants you to enjoy Him in this season. In your home. With your family. On your morning walks and grocery car rides. Wherever you find yourself—may God's presence be where you feel ... at home. Home for Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Love you always,

Photo Credit: Matheus Bertelli from pexels.com