Years ago a desire was born in my heart for me to read a Bible per year for each of my daughters. I would then gift the Bible to them once they enter into high school. I searched the internet for a Bible that would speak their language and inspire them visually—and I stumbled upon the (in)courage Bible. It looked perfect! I quickly purchased five of them, one for each daughter, and an extra one just in case one got damaged!
In January of 2019 my journey began. As I read through the Bible that year I would mark things, underline scripture and write notes throughout it's pages for our eldest daughter, Grace Alena. Writing words of life and promise. Reminding her of how valued she is in the eyes of God.
My journey has continued each year since then, doing the same for each daughter. From Grace, to Anna Belle, to Selah Faye, and now Noella Praise in 2022.
Needless to say, I've been reading the same version of the Bible for the past five years, accompanied by other versions in my studies of course. Each year my studies have only deepened.
I've grown to love these little green fabric covered Bibles marked with tears from a Mama whose desperate love for her daughters doesn't even scratch the surface of the love God has for them.
The Bible is a beautiful book of discovery. Within it's pages are treasures that many times are unnoticeable to the naked eye. It's only when you dig a little deeper that you will unearth such treasure.
I made such a discovery this past week during my green fabric Bible reading time in Exodus. We all know that God spoke to Moses. God used Moses to help lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the promise land.
But did you know that God spoke to Moses on thirty separate occasions between Exodus 3 and Exodus 20?
In eighteen chapters, thirty encounters with God! Unbelievable.
During these thirty moments when God was speaking, He gave direction. He gave details. He brought clarity. He performed miracles. He reaffirmed promise in their lives. He told them what to do and what not to do. He spoke into their future and gave them a means to release their past. He brought deliverance and redemption. He saved them from their oppressors.
I don't know what you are seeking God for, but I do know this: God is still speaking today. He cares about the details of your life. Just like He cared for Moses and the children of Israel, He deeply cares for you. Whatever you need, He has answers for.
"My prayer this week: Speak to me x30, God!"
Photo Credit: Ron Lach