Let's backtrack and talk about the FIRST THREE MIRACLES the book of Matthew records.
It's funny because when I just read through the Bible I usually don't notice these details, but as I study I'm finding treasures of gold along the way.
The first miracle Matthew records is Jesus HEALING A LEPER. Before we can understand what an amazing miracle this was let's understand a little bit about leprosy in Jesus' time
(ps. I totally geeked out on this study, and possibly cried multiple times as I understood it better).
Here's what I found in my research about leprosy in the ancient world:
"Leprosy began with the loss of all sensation in some parts of the body ... the muscles wast away; the tendons contract until the hands are like claws ... Then comes the progressive loss of fingers and toes, until in the end a whole hand or whole foot may drop off. The duration of that kind of leprosy is anywhere between 20-30 years." (Barclay)
All that to say, this man needed a miracle that ONLY GOD could give.
Do you have areas in your life that only God can heal? Are you ready to bring them to Jesus?
Your Friend,
Jamie K.
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Photo Credit: Reneterp from Pexels.com