"... I will fear no evil: For You are with me." Psalm 23:4a
This word fear (3372) in the Hebrew means to respect, to reverence, to be afraid, to be awesome, to be feared, to frighten.
The word evil (7451) has many variations. Some of which mean wicked or bad, calamity, failures or miseries.
I love that David says I will fear no evil, partially meaning, I'm not going to give reverence or authority or power to anything else in my life. I won't give power to my failures or my miseries. I won't give power to what bad calamity might befall me. The only One who deserves my reverence and respect is You God.
And why don't I need to fear the future? How can I let go of the power of the past and the fear that it might repeat itself? It's not by anything that I've done or can do on my own. It's not accomplished through my strength, stamina, ability to change or my winsome personality.
The reason I don't have to live in fear is because YOU are with me.
This is the first time in Psalm 23 that David switches from "He or Him" to "You" when referring to God. It's as if he is saying that God is right by his side, talking to God as if He is ever-present through the valley—because He is. It's actually during valley seasons that I sense God's presence most. I think He knows that we need to know He is with us.
It's time to stop giving fear the power it's demanding—it's only a shadow.
It's time to give God the power He deserves.
He's got you. He is with you.
Much love,
Photo Credit: Igra from pexels.com