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Let it Go Already

Writer's picture: Jamie KlusacekJamie Klusacek

When we first moved to Denver, we didn’t have dental insurance. I’ll never forget the first cleaning appointment we had eighteen months into our move. One of my daughters had a cavity so deep that a piece of her tooth fell out! Now, I love our dentist. He’s the grandpa you always wished you had. He was consistently kind to us.

On this specific visit, he pulled my daughter and I aside and proceeded to tell us that it would be best if her baby molar tooth was removed. I was fully onboard with his recommendation, but my daughter wasn’t. Not in the least.

She did not want that tooth removed. I knew it was bothering her and even a bit painful, yet still she would have rather had that tooth transfixed in her mouth, causing her pain, than walk through the fear of having it pulled. She did not want to release that tooth!

She cried and pleaded, but in the end Mommy put her foot down and scheduled the tooth removal appointment because I knew something she didn’t. I knew that the minute that tooth came out of her mouth she would feel much better. Her mouth would heal. Her big new tooth would come in. She wouldn’t be in pain anymore. I also knew that getting a tooth pulled would hurt her far less than walking around with a rotten, aching tooth in her mouth for the next year.

When I think about release, I often think about this story.

God knows what’s best for our lives. So why do we insist on hanging onto rotten things in our lives that we would be better off without?

Schedule the appointment. Get the tooth removed. Release it to Him.

Whether direction or wisdom or mountains that need moving, release will always be a part of our lives. My prayer is that God can teach us how to do it courageously. By the end of this year I want us to make a commitment to release in a healthy, God-honoring way. To have true courage to release.

I want us to be convinced that when God is asking us to give something up, there is always something better He has in store for us. Have full assurance today that anything and everything God asks us to release, is for our best interest in relation to His kingdom.

"In some form, some way, in this life or the next, God never disregards a seed sown for Him."

Can't wait to read the entire chapter? Simply email me and write "Chapter Eleven" in the subject line for a free PDF download of Courage to Release.

Purchase your copy of Courage to Walk.

Want more resources? Check out this podcast by Carey Nieuwhof and Jeff Henderson on change.

Photo Credit: Rodnae Productions from

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