A prayer for the holidays.
May God fill every empty place in your life.
May His love permeate every desire and deep longing.
May you recognize His direction quickly and may He clearly show you the way to walk in.
May your love for Him increase in bounds.
May your love for others increase as well.
May He give you eyes to see the potential around you.
May He gift you a thankful heart and contentment in your spirit.
May He gift you the ability to always dream big, God sized dreams, and the plans to walk in His paths.
May your life overflow with the fruits of the spirit.
May your character in God run deep and true, steadfast.
May He grant you courage and bravery.
May you posses a God-confidence like none other.
May your life be marked for miracles.
May 2023 be your best year yet.
Photo Credit: Lisa Fotios from pexels.com