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Writer's pictureJamie Klusacek

Psalm 23: Backstory

We are going to hang out this semester in Psalm 23 because it is such a rich text. I pray from the get-go that God gives you and I a deeper revelation of who He is and who were are.

Annnndddd ... I'm going to dig deep into these scriptures. This is just a heads up that I will be going back to the original Hebrew to help us understand more fully what God is saying to us through His Word.

I've been using the Hebrew Greek Keyword Study Bible this year and it has been amazing. You can buy a copy on Amazon if you want. A note of wisdom: it can be overwhelming. I've been focusing on studying one verse from my Bible reading a day and even that is a lot to chew on. But,

the wisdom I'm gaining from the Word is more than worth it!

For those of you who don't know anything about Psalm 23, here's a crash course.

These words were penned by David, known by many as the greatest king in Israels history. We don't know exactly when he penned these words, but the sincerity of his heart as he wrote them can't be questioned.

Here's a little backstory on David's life to bring it into context. The backstory is important because many of us think that the Bible in unrelated to us—that the people in it never experience hardship and are perfect in all their responses. This couldn't be further from the truth.

David had a variety of life experiences which include, but are not limited to: being a shepherd (which was a very lowly position), growing up in a large family, being overlooked by his father and siblings at times, betrayed by close friends, actually hunted by the previous king, having his wife taken from him (she married another), his family held captive, all his wealth stripped from him, being homeless (with only a cave to call home), having committed adultery and served as an accessory to murder, anointed king, fierce warrior, and know for being a "friend of God."

Needless to say I think we all can relate to the life of David in some way or another. Here, thousands of years later, the stories in God's Word are speaking to us today. His Word is alive.

The Bible is the most relevant book for your life today, in 2023.

It's principles, when applied and lived out, will change your life.

I can't wait to start this study with you next week.

Your friend always,

Photo Credit: Marcelo Chugs from

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