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Writer's pictureJamie Klusacek

The Valley

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ... " Psalm 23:4A

So here we are at the part of the passage we would rather skip over. Denying it's existence. Sometimes, I wish that my journey with God was all gum drops and roses. Beautiful butterflies and plush kittens. All smiles and giggles, hopes and dreams. But alas, it's the valley's in life that shape us more than a journey filled with cotton candied fantasies ever could.

So let's dissect this passage, shall we? When David uses the phrase shadow of death (6757) in the original Hebrew here are some of its meanings: shadow, used to describe death or physical darkness, spiritual darkness, darkness of understanding, a gloomy countenance, a dangerous land.

I don't know about you but I've walked through some times of spiritual darkness. Times where I have felt like I didn't understand what was going on in the world around me, and in my life personally. I've definitely had moments of gloom that felt as if I were trying to shake off maple syrup that just wouldn't budge. We all go through these moments.

There are two important things to note about this passage in reference to our lives. First, notice that David says he walks through the valley. He doesn't say I'll run through it. He doesn't set up camp and live there. He walks through it.

Setbacks, disappointments and valleys are temporary, but many of us attempt to live in them instead of moving forward.

God wants to bring you through, sweet friend. Keep walking.

The second thing to note is that David is walking through the valley of the shadow of death, meaning it may feel like it's real, but it's just a shadow. Nothing scary. Nothing that God can't handle. Nothing that God can't walk you through. Don't define your shadow as something of substance when in God's eyes He's already dealt with it.

I know that God will give you the strength to walk through any valley you face, journeying through and emerging with a deeper trust in God.

Keep walking friend,

Photo Credit: Pixabay from

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1 comentario

SO good Jamie. Love the part about "shadow of death." God HAS secured the victory, time to step into it!

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