"You anoint my head with oil..." Psalm 23:5B
To anoint (1878) in the original Hebrew means to be fat, to grow fat, figuratively to anoint to satisfy. It also can be interpreted as receiving, to make healthy, to make overflowing, to be prosperous, to make rich, to saturate.
Throughout the Bible, especially the Old Testament, oil was used for many things. Here's a list of just a few to help us in our understanding.
Anointing oil was a sign of being chosen or set apart for a specific use. In this case David was anointed by Samuel, the prophet, to be the next king of Israel. God was choosing David, setting him apart for a God directed assignment.
Remember, your life is set apart for a special purpose from God.
To be anointed was a mark of luxury, like those Hezekiah kept in his treasure house. (2 Kings 20:13)
Oil was a sign of joy. (Proverbs 27:9)
Oil was a symbol of God's returning favor. (Isaiah 61:3)
Oil was used to make a warriors shield slippery and shiny before battle. (Isaiah 21:5)
God's anointing oil was used to soothe and cleanse leading to healing. (Luke 10:34)
Wherever you find yourself today know that God has set you apart for His glory. May the anointing of His presence mark your life with His favor and joy. May it soothe and cleanse your life leading to healing in every area.
You are anointed by God,
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