Matthew 6:10, "Your kingdom come..."
"Kingdom" (932) in the Greek means: the exercise of kingly power, dominion or reign. A people in a territory under kingly rule. The glorious reign on the Messiah (Jesus foretold in scripture). The golden age when true righteousness is established and with it theocracy will establish peace and happiness. Prior to the visible manifestation of this kingdom, it exists in the hearts of men.
This word is really about submitting to God's lordship in your life.
I found myself asking as I studied, Do I really want God to reign in my life?
Truly, do I really want Him to be Lord or am I just using Him, in a way, to get the benefits of being a Christian without any cost on my part?
I think being a part of God's kingdom is deeper and wider than we anticipate. I think truly making Him Lord will require change on our part.
Your Friend,
Jamie K.
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